Career Exploration Online Platform was launched on 1 April 2020 to enable senior secondary school students of Project WeCan to explore their career interests and learn about different industries during the school suspension period.  Eight “Star Talk” videos and more than 20 videos on industry sharing were made available for viewing.  The Platform had attracted more than 3,600 views from students and teachers.  To make this career exploration journey more interesting, seven live chat sessions with guest speakers from different industries were organised.  Over 1,500 students, teachers and partners joined.

The live chat sessions covered different topics, from career planning of full-time athlete and YouTuber, to tips in job hunting and in the workplace.  Thanks to Coach Hong Kong, Standard Chartered Bank, KPMG and Stephenson Harwood, their representatives joined our live chat sessions providing tips in interviews and CV writing, professionalism in the workplace, as well as advice to students on learning how to equip themselves for the future.  Eight WeCan scholars studying in local universities also had a session to share their experience in DSE and JUPAS preparation, and their University life.  The live chat series were well received by students and teachers.  Many of them seized the opportunity to ask questions on the guests’ experiences related to career and life goal planning.

The recordings of the live chat series and the other “Star Talk” and “Industry Sharing” videos can be viewed on the Resource Library on WeCan website.

The students found both the online platform and live chat sessions informative and inspiring.  The following are some of the feedback of students:–

“I love how the online videos were simple and precise.  The working scope and requirements of different industries and positions are brought out very clearly.  Now I know if you are persistent and passionate about what you are doing, you can achieve your dream one day.”

“The live chats are very interesting and helpful.  The guest speakers shared with us the tips on handling matters in life and career so that we can get ourselves prepared for the future.”