The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the Hong Kong economy is unprecedented.  The sudden loss of jobs and underemployment in the last few months has affected many low income families who have been facing tremendous hardship and financial difficulties.  Students of these families have been affected in their study and learning.

To support these students and families, the Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon joined hands with the University of Hong Kong and Project WeCan to launch the “We Share! We Can!” Campaign, inviting corporates and individuals to donate in full or partial, their entitlement of $10,000 cash received from the Government to support the affected families.  A press conference was held on 10 May 2020 to kick off the Campaign.  All schools under Lok Sin Tong and Project WeCan were eligible to apply.  Students being identified and recommended by Principals of the schools were given a lump sum no less than $5,000 for their family.  166 students from 59 WeCan schools benefitted from the Campaign.  The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude by sending donors their ‘thank you’ message.  They were grateful for the care and support from all in the society who were willing to help them through this challenging time.

Lok Sin Tong undertook all administrative costs of the project to ensure every dollar donated would go to the families.  HKU would also conduct a study on how the donations helped families go through this difficult time.

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